One stop solution for all your car needs
Vehicle No.: |
ACQ 84137 (Vehicle Yard) |
Make/Model: |
Toyota Corolla, ZRE172 VIN: MR053REH205280351 |
Engine: |
NA |
Transmission: |
NA |
Year: |
2016 |
Date In Stock: |
20 Nov 2023 |
Description: |
Parts listed below have been removed from the vehicle and are ready for purchase
Part: | | Vehicle: | | Type: | | Condition: | | Colour: | | Details: | |
The parts below have already been sold
Front Bumper Proximity Sensor |
LF Door Elec Mirror (7 Wire) |
LR Bumper Retainer Bracket |
Rear Bumper Proximity Sensor |
Rear Bumper Proximity Sensor |
RF Door Elec Mirror (7 Wire) |
RR Bumper Retainer Bracket |
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